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Light Summer

    You are a Light Summer type if your hair, skin, and eyes are very light, your contours blend softly together, and your overall impression is rather cool. When you look in the mirror, your light colors are the first thing you notice. If you’re unsure whether you’re a Light Summer, feel free to book my Online Course for your DIY Seasonal Color Analysis.
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    Light Summer is the lightest color type of the muted and cool Summer palette. Its main characteristic is “Light,” with secondary characteristics being “Cool” and “Muted.”

    Sometimes determining your color type isn’t straightforward because you may not possess all the “typical characteristics.” That’s perfectly normal. If you are having problems, try my online course “DIY Seasonal Color Analysis“.

    Characteristics of the Light Summer:

    If you need help determining your characteristics, click here.

    Light Summer is closest to the basic Summer type. The most important criterion is brightness, with very little contrast between skin, hair, and eyes. The interplay of colors is soft, with cool undertones prevailing.

    Skin: Pale or light beige with cool, rosy undertones

    Hair: Light to medium ash blond, light ash brown, pale and soft red

    Eyes: Blue or gray, rarely green or lavender blue

    The Colors of the Light Summer

    Light Summer Accent Colors
    Light Summer Neutral Colors

    Colors to avoid for Light Summer:

    This type should avoid colors that are dark and warm at the same time. Light Summers can never borrow colors from the Deep and Warm Autumn palettes, even though they are also muted. These colors would overwhelm this light, delicate color type and always stand out. The warm and vibrant colors of the Warm and Clear Spring palettes typically don’t work either. They are too clear and saturated for the Light Summer type, just like the colors of the Deep and Clear Winter palettes.

    Pure black and white unfortunately don’t flatter the Light Summer type. Instead, opt for dark brown-gray or grayish blue and light gray tones.

    Color types from which Light Summer might borrow:

    Light Summers can borrow from Cool and Soft Summer colors as long as they are light enough. Some colors from the Light Spring palette can also be borrowed, as long as they are more in the neutral range. These are typically the blue tones and rather neutral beige tones; however, you can also try out the light pink tones. The same applies to the very light neutral colors of the Soft Autumn palette.

    Cool Summer Accent Colors
    Soft Summer Accent Colors
    Light Spring Accent Colors
    Soft Autumn Accent Colors

    After this wealth of information, you’re probably wondering how you can put it all into practice. Read on here about make-up and clothing for Light Summer!

    Light Summer Make up

    The optimal makeup for the Light Summer type is rather subtle to match the soft overall impression of the color type. Avoid black eyeliner and eyeliner, as they can appear too harsh and “painted on” quickly. Shimmer and glitter also look unflattering and stand out unnaturally.

    *In this post, you’ll also find product suggestions that suit your color type. Please note that there can be no guarantee that all the suggested products will universally flatter you. Often, certain features may be a little “atypical” – for example, you may be clearer or lighter than average. So, choose your favorite products from my suggestions, taking your uniqueness into account. If you’re unsure, it’s better to order sample sizes first or take my online course to find out if you’re atypical.

    Light Summer Make up Colors

    Foundation & Concealer

    Choose foundation and concealer according to your skin tone. Light Summer types usually have a beige complexion with a slightly pink undertone.

    Opt for a matte shade. The consistency of foundation and concealer should not be too creamy and heavy, as this would be too noticeable for the delicate overall impression of the Light Summer.

    Finishing Powder

    You don’t have to forgo a flawless and durable finish for your makeup. There are matte finishing powders that perfectly match your appearance. Avoid shimmer or silk powder.

    Bronzer, Contouring & Highlighter

    Unfortunately, Light Summer types don’t tolerate bronzer well, as it is intended to emphasize warmth in the skin. Since there is little or no warmth present in the Light Summer type, bronzer will make you look sick. Also, the darker earthy tones of bronzer and contouring would simply be too dark for your fair skin. If you don’t want to do without it, you should use a very light, cool-toned shade with a hint of pink and no yellow undertones. Avoid shimmering highlighters as well.

    Product Recommendations for Light Summer Makeup Base*

    *To keep the number of products manageable, I recommend only selected brands that I particularly like. If you prefer other brands, you can surely find corresponding colors with a little research. When you click on the link, you will be directed to my Pinterest board where I have listed the products for you. On the computer, you can hover over your desired product with the mouse and click on the link that appears. On your mobile device or in the app, first click on your desired product, and after it opens, click on “Visit”. This will open the corresponding shop in a new window. If you make a purchase, I will receive a small commission as a thank you for the recommendation. You won’t incur any extra costs, and I can maintain my free offering on color types.


    Use light, matte eyeshadows without shimmer and glitter that complement your soft and light appearance. Clear and very dark colors can make you look painted. For accents, you can use the colors from the Light Summer color palette, and as base colors, use the colors from the Neutral Colors for Light Summer color palette. If you use different eyeshadow colors, blend them well together so that no harsh lines are created.


    Strictly speaking, I would recommend not using black mascara, as it emphasizes the lashes very strongly. However, this is usually the purpose of mascara. So feel free to use black if you feel comfortable with it. However, I would advise against using black on very long, dense lashes, as it would look overloaded. In that case, use a dark gray or a cool chocolate brown instead.

    Eyeliner & Kohl

    Choose an eyeliner or kohl pencil color that is not much darker than the color of your eyeshadow to avoid harsh lines. With a special eyeliner brush, you can also use your eyeshadows as eyeliners and blend too harsh lines.

    Product Recommendations for Light Summer Eye Makeup*


    Prefer matte colors in pink and berry tones for your blush and blend it well for a natural look. A little shimmer is allowed, but not too much.


    Matte, light pink and lilac tones suit you best. Make sure your lipstick doesn’t shimmer or shine too much.

    Product Recommendations for Light Summer Cheeks and Lips*

    Daytime Makeup

    The “Natural Makeup Look” works best for your daytime makeup. It consists of minimal eye makeup and a lipstick similar to your natural lip color.

    Evening Makeup

    Soft smokey eyes with light gray tones and not too dark berry tones for the lips create a dramatic look for the Light Summer type.

    You can learn how to put together clothing, accessories, and jewelry suitable for your color type below.

    Light Summer Clothing and Accessories

    The main characteristics of the Light Summer type are its bright overall impression and low contrasts. Color selection and combination of Light Summer clothing and accessories should reflect and complement these main characteristics to make the Light Summer type look lively.

    Although you can theoretically combine all colors of your color palette with each other, this works best with color combinations that are light and don’t contrast too much with each other.

    Monochrome color combinations are highly recommended. Monochrome colors are colors of the same hue in different shades, also called tone-on-tone.

    Also advantageous for the Light Summer type is to combine analogous colors. These are color tones that lie directly next to each other on the color wheel. Another harmonious option would be to combine a light color from your “Neutral Colors” with a slightly contrasting color from your accent colors. Both you can find in your Digital Color Palette.

    Light Summer Clothing Color Combinations

    Color Combinations Light Summers Should Avoid

    All color combinations that have high contrasts to each other like complementary colors (opposite on the color wheel), triadic, tetradic, or square color systems are not suitable. The latter consist of three or four colors that are evenly distributed on the color circle.

    I have described which colors you should generally avoid further up.

    Patterns and Prints for Light Summer Clothing

    For patterns and prints in Light Summer clothing, the same applies as for color combinations. The best are light, soft patterns that consist exclusively of Light Summer colors. If only a very small part of the pattern consists of a color from a disharmonious color palette, the pattern will certainly flatter you. Also, make sure that there are no too high contrasts in patterns that consist exclusively of Light Summer colors, such as between pink and turquoise tones.

    Soft patterns are gentle and delicate patterns that look like they were painted by hand or with watercolors. Floral prints and natural elements that are small, dense, and loosely arranged are perfect. Geometric, regular, and large patterns with large contrasts and hard lines should be avoided.

    You can find examples of patterns and prints in your Digital Color Palette.

    Appropriate Clothing for the Light Summer Type

    You’re best off choosing appropriate clothing with the help of a color palette. You always have your Digital Color Palette with you. Simply place it on the garment you’ve chosen and see if the colors harmonize. At first, this may be a bit difficult for you, but over time, you’ll develop a good eye for which colors match and which don’t.

    For color combinations and matching patterns, my Digital Color Palette also help you further. If you want regular suggestions for clothing that suits your color type, feel free to follow me on Instagram.

    Jewelry for the Light Summer Type

    Light Summers usually have many neutral undertones, so silver and gold jewelry may suit you. Overall, however, the undertones are rather neutral-cool, so avoid warm, deep gold tones that tend towards orange. White gold and rose gold with a high pink content are better suited.

    Whether you choose silver or gold jewelry: It should always be very light. If you choose pearls, make sure they are not too white. Rose quartz and aquamarine also go very well with you.

    If you want to set up your wardrobe sustainably and always find something to wear, my article on the capsule wardrobe or minimalist wardrobe will help you.