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Color types according to the 12 seasons

    Determine your color type according to the 12-Seasonal Color System

    Do you already know your basic season? If not, you should first find out your basic season here. If so, you will find more detailed descriptions of the 12 color types with the best colors for each type to determine your exact color type. If you just want to find out your color type quickly, try my specially developed online course. Have fun with it!

    To test whether you belong to a certain color type, look for single-colored items of clothing, scarves, shawls or colored paper without a rough structure in the corresponding colors and hold them up to your face one by one. It is important that you do not wear make-up, that your hair is inconspicuously styled and that your top is cut wide. The background should be as neutral as possible (white) and it is best to test in daylight.

    The color charts for each type cannot show all suitable colors. However, they cover a broad spectrum. Digital color palettes that you can use to buy clothes are available in my online store.

    Clicking on the pictures of the respective color type will take you to a more detailed description with suggestions for clothing, color combinations and patterns.

    The color types of spring

    Warm Spring

    Warm Spring Color Type Seasonal Color Types

    Warm Spring comes closest to the basic spring type. The most important criterion is the warm, usually golden undertone in the skin and hair. Medium contrasts are characteristic.

    Clear Spring

    Clear Spring Color Type Seasonal Color Types

    Clear Spring tends a little towards winter. The most important criterion is the great contrast between eyes, skin and hair with a high saturation of colors. A warm undertone predominates everywhere.

    Light Spring

    Light Spring Color Type Seasonal Color Types

    Light Spring is a spring that leans a little towards summer. Its most important criterion is brightness. Neutral tones can occur, but overall you tend to have a warm undertone.

    The colors of Warm Spring:
    The colors of Clear Spring:
    The colors of Light Spring:
    Farbtyp Warm Spring Farben
    Clear Spring Farbtyp Farben
    Farbtyp Light Spring Farben

    The color types of summer

    Light Summer

    Light Summer Color Type Seasonal Color Types

    Light Summer comes closest to the basic Summer type. The most important criterion is brightness. It is characterized by very few contrasts between skin, hair and eyes. The interplay of colors is soft. Cool undertones predominate in Light Summer.

    Soft Summer

    Soft Summer Color Type Seasonal Color Types

    Soft Summer is a summer with a slight tendency towards fall. The most important criteria are the low contrasts between skin, eyes and hair. You can appear neutral. However, a warm undertone should not appear anywhere.

    Cool Summer

    Cool Summer Color Type Seasonal Color Types

    Cool Summer is a summer that tips a little into winter. Its most important criterion is the cool undertone. Contrasts between eyes, hair and skin can be present, but are not as noticeable as with the winter types.

    The colors of Light Summer:
    Farbtyp Light Summer Farben
    The colors of Soft Summer:
    Farbtyp Soft Summer Farben
    The colors of Cool Summer:

    The color types of winter

    Cool Winter

    Cool Winter Color Type Seasonal Color Types

    Cool Winter comes closest to the basic winter type. The most important criterion is the cold colors. Warm undertones do not occur at all or very little. Large contrasts between skin, hair and eyes are also characteristic.

    Clear Winter

    Cool Winter Color Type Seasonal Color Types

    Clear Winter is slightly inclined towards spring. The most important criterion is the large contrasts between skin, eyes and hair. The hair is usually very dark.

    Deep Winter

    Cool Winter Color Type Seasonal Color Types

    Deep Winter is a winter that tends a little towards fall. Its most important criteria are the dark colors. Eyes and hair are never light. Deep Winter types sometimes age into Cool Winter.

    The colors of Cool Winter:
    Farbtyp Cool Winter Farben
    The colors of Clear Winter:
    Farbtyp Clear Winter Farben
    The colors of Deep Winter:
    Deep Winter Farbpalette

    The color types of autumn

    Deep Autumn

    Deep Autumn Color Type Seasonal Color Types

    Deep Autumn comes closest to the basic Autumn type. The most important criterion is dark colors. These are usually muted. Warm undertones predominate in Deep Autumn.

    Soft Autumn

    Soft Autumn Color Type Seasonal Color Types

    Soft Autumn is an autumn that leans a little towards summer. The most important criterion is the muted colors, which are usually accompanied by low contrasts between skin, eyes and hair. A mixture of warm and cool tones is possible, but often with a yellow undertone.

    Warm Autumn

    Warm Autumn Color Type Seasonal Color Types

    Warm Autumn is an autumn that tips a little into spring. Its most important criterion is the warm undertone. Cool undertones are nowhere to be found. Usually few contrasts between eyes, hair and skin. The overall look is soft.

    The colors of Deep Autumn:
    The colors of Soft Autumn:
    Farbtyp Soft Autumn Farben
    The colors of Warm Autumn:
    Farbtyp Warm Autumn Farben

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